Would you pay your employees acouple more pennies an hour if itmeant keeping them Safer,Happier and more Productive?
Fantasy-Pro™ uses the excitement and competitionof fantasy sports for operational improvements on alllevels you seek results for. You set the scoring systembased on your priorities and your employees get toenjoy the fun of fantasy sports by drafting a teamand competing against their fellow workers.
Players can view the point leaders in each department, shift, and job class!
Grow Great Employees! New hires can easily see how they compare!
Easy to set up and maintain
Define measures that are important to YOU
View statistics and graphs of injury data
Discrete details and information
Fantasy-Pro™ identifies who is at risk
Employees Focused on Operational Priorities
Improved Safety Culture
Increased Productivity
Improved Quality
Fun and Excitement for your Employees
Easy and Quick Communication
Awareness and Recognition
Custom Polls to get Pointed Information
Rookie Meter to Grow Great Employees
Predictive Safety
Minimal Time to Maintain
Would you pay your employees acouple more pennies an hour if itmeant keeping them Safer,Happier and more Productive?